Monthly Archives: September 2012

Why Cheatham County’s growth is vanishing

I spent the morning examining Cheatham’s slowing growth in Excel and R, and came up with a good model that helps illuminate the cause, and perhaps can start the ball rolling for a solution. First, the pretty picture to show … Continue reading

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The fat lady clears her throat…

Intrade is predicting the odds of an Obama presidency at over 75%: The Democrats are forecast to maintain control of the Senate: And the Republicans are currently forecast to hold the House, but the trend is going against them, and … Continue reading

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Cheatham County Growth Problem

The graph shows what I call Cheatham’s intrinsic growth rate, which shows how much faster Cheatham is growing than the state as a whole.   (For you FRED types, it’s TNCHEA1POP – TNPOP, with the two census-related peaks at 2000/2010 … Continue reading

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Are Democrats or Republicans better for the Federal debt?

Republicans and Democrats constantly argue about how the other side is going to explode the country’s debt. Let’s examine the historical data and see who’s been telling the truth (or more realistically, who’s lying less). Here is a graph of … Continue reading

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