Monthly Archives: May 2012

Signs and Portents

Note:  I actually wrote this May 11, but neglected to publish it because I was thinking about adding a few more things and eventually got side-tracked by some research I was doing on Cheatham County.   Unfortunately, my predictions seem to … Continue reading

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Cheatham County Trends

A work in progress.   This will be updated from time to time. Population Cheatham County’s population growth (in blue) has been slowing for some time, and in recent years has grown slower than the Tennessee average (in red). UTK’s Center … Continue reading

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Ugly truths and ugly lies

Trying to understand the economy is hard enough if you’re an actual economist.   But if your a normal person trying to filter through all the people who are just repeating the latest crazy they read on the Drudge Report and … Continue reading

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