Author Archives: binkleym

Income Inequality and You

You may have heard people complain about “income inequality” and how it is negatively impacting our country.  Here’s a little math to help you understand why it really is a serious problem, and how it’s affecting you personally (spoiler:  it’s … Continue reading

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The Cup

“Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done.” – Luke 22:42 My brother died today.   I feel so many things all at once, and feel completely numb and can’t feel anything, … Continue reading

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A world with too much money…

Here’s a hypothesis for my economics-minded friends. The fundamental driver of economics is supply and demand. The more demand exceeds supply, the more profit a seller can demand from a buyer. And conversely, the lower demand is relative to supply, … Continue reading

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Where is thy sting?

I live in an older home with innumerable cracks around windows and doors, and despite all attempts at sealing and caulking, as autumn turns cold there is a pilgrimage of ladybugs and wasps trying to sneak in out of the … Continue reading

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P90X, End of Round 2

In September I tried expanding my diet to include additional food like cheeseburgers and brats (eating chicken/turkey/fish/chile every meal of every day was getting extremely monotonous). After a couple of weeks, I reluctantly accepted that I no can haz cheeseburger. … Continue reading

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