Since the primary election is almost here, I wanted to forgo another question, and instead dig into the candidate’s finances a bit, as they tell us interesting stuff about the candidate that they normally don’t go out of their way to advertise. I will (probably) be adding more to this.
If you would like to play with them yourself (and I know you all do…), click here for the Tennessee PAC database.
Notable stuff:
- Unique among candidates, Mary Littleton has accepted $10,800 in PAC and party money:
- $7,000 (Leaders of Tennessee)
- $1,400 (Harwell PAC)
- $1,000 (Barley Republican Group)
- $500 (Frog-Jump PAC)
- $500 (Joe PAC)
- $250 (State Rep Steven Daniels of Jackson, TN)
- $150 (District Rep of Congressman Fincher from Jackson, TN)
In particular, “Leaders of Tennessee” is a PAC which has raised eyebrows before for some of its practices. Call me crazy, but I prefer it when candidates are elected by voters, not outside interests with mountains of cash.
- Kirk Low has loaned his campaign $81,900. This is by far the largest pile of money, almost as much as the other 9 candidates combined. Why is he self-funding so much? Despite his pile of cash, he has 0 other contributors, which also begs the question why not?
Top 5 candidates with the most campaign contributors (excluding themselves and close family members with same last name).
Mary Littleton (R, Dickson): 38 Donnie Kemp (R, Ashland City): 15 Jane R. Crisp (D, Pegram): 14 Linda Hayes (D, White Bluff): 14 Gary Allen Binkley (R, Ashland City): 12
Top 5 candidates with most money to spend:
Kirk Low (R, Pleasant View): $81,900 Mary Littleton (R, Dickson): $32,220 Donnie Kemp (R, Ashland City): $25,645 John L. Haines (R, Kingston Springs): $22,784 Gary Allen Binkley (R, Ashland City): $15,872
Top 5 candidates with the most money to spend, excluding money they or a family member with the same last name gave or loaned to the campaign:
Mary Littleton (R, Dickson): $30,820 Donnie Kemp (R, Ashland City): $12,645 Linda Hayes (D, White Bluff): $10,999 Gary Allen Binkley (R, Ashland City): $7,372 John-Paul Wood, Jr (R, Pleasant View): $5,531
Top 5 average dollar amount give by contributors (excluding self and family members with same last name):
Donnie Kemp (R, Ashland City): $843 Mary Littleton (R, Dickson): $811 Linda Hayes (D, White Bluff): $786 John-Paul Wood, Jr (R, Pleasant View): $691 Gary Allen Binkley (R, Ashland City): $614
I noted that a Mary Littleton, Dickson, a former lobbyist for the Tennessee Trial Lawyers Association had an affair with State Rep Rob Briley….. I know that does not make her unfit for public office … she was fired from her job with the TTLA. I am not digging dirt but I think WE, in Cheatham County need someone to represent US. Phillip Johnson has NOT represented US well.
Thanks for your site and work… I majored in Physics at Virginia Tech, did an MA in Operations Mgt, Have a degree in Public Administration plus Doctorate work and have lived in Cheatham County/Pegram for 40 years. I forced Codes, flood management and zoning in Pegram/Cheatham County but have had little success in getting our local jurisdictions to enforce the provisions.
I am interested in networking with Cheatham Countians for a better Community and feel that you have the “Right Stuff” for a higher level of effective local Government.
Art Asbury
Hi Art. The Mary Littleton who won the Republican primary isn’t the same Mary Littleton at the center of the Rob Briley affair. I admit I myself was confused about this for a while. only shows 4 Mary Littletons in the middle TN area, so what are the odds…
I made a similar mistake a few days ago when I assumed that the Linda Hayes who gave campaign contributions to Mary Littleton was the same Linda Hayes who is running against her. That was another instance of two people with the same name. It’s important to fact-check before accusing innocent people. I need to work on that myself.